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How to Send Us Your Kitchen Measurements

The easiest way to send your kitchen measurements is to scan your drawing or take a picture and save it to your electronic device (computer or phone) and then email it to your Project Coordinator. You can also forward pictures of your current kitchen.

  • Name and email address required

  • Click ‘Browse’ button to add file then click ‘Upload’ button

  • File name will appear below ‘Upload’ button

  • Upload up to five (5) electronic files at once

  • Size limit for each file is 3MB for a total of 15MB

  • Accepted file: .jpg, .pdf, .Word, Excel , PowerPoint

  • Click ‘Submit’ button when uploading files complete


You may only email a total of 15 mb in one email. If your files are larger than that you can submit multiple emails. Please be sure to include your contact information and email your measurements to:

Smart Phone

Take a picture (or a series of pictures) of your measurements on your smart phone and you can email them directly to, You can also attach your layout and text it to your Project Coordinator’s phone number or to 888-350-1242. Please be sure to include your contact information.

Fax 877.675.4394

Complete the Fax Cover Sheet with your contact information and the number of pages that you are sending, then fax it to us toll free.


If all else fails you can send your file via U.S. Mail. Keep copies for yourself and mail to:
Attention: Design Dept.
5350 W 78th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55439

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